Invested in the health and well being of our community

We believe at our core that equitable access to health services should be a right in our society.

Our Motivation
Massage. Recover. Restore.

Service is our purpose.

Stronger Together

Our community is only as strong and healthy as our most vulnerable community members. With that in mind we are launching a few community initiatives that will not only expand our footprint, but more critically serve the community that has been so generous to our growth and stability.

A healthy community benefits every person in it.

Community Health

Each of us are only one day away from either needing critical care or supporting those who do. It is important that we look after one another so that we can all have a positive experience in our shared community.

Community at a Glance
Community Size

Disadvantaged Members
Health Ratings
Net benefits of investing in a community:
improved physical health
improved mental health
stronger community
cleaner environment
more holistic educational opportunities

— Is this for you?

Tocar Spa is Invested

Our first community program, Healing for Healers, is dedicated towards providing our Non-Paid Family Caregiver community a much needed physical and mental respite from their daily responsibilities.

In this program we donate a series of three massage services to non-paid family caregivers. These family caregivers provide support to family members as they age and their health declines. Some of the particular conditions they provide support for are: Alzheimer’s, Dementia, post surgical recovery, Cancer, MS, and Parkinson’s disease.

If you know someone who would benefit from this program, please fill out and submit an application on their behalf.


Our second community initiative, Wellness on the Weekend,  is geared towards our disadvantaged Community Members, who typically can’t afford a spa experience.

We acknowledge that not all of our community members can afford the cost of massage and spa services out of pocket. With this in mind we want to offer select no cost treatments at our spa which will allow community members to enjoy the full benefits of spa relaxation.

Wellness on the weekend programs we plan to offer, through our partners:
— Mental Health Screenings
— Vital Health Screenings (Weight/Blood Pressure Check)
— Nutritional Screenings/Consultations
— And more…

We deliver exceptional therapeutic services for our clients through extensive industry experience, community involvement, and a catalog of customized service offerings.
initiatives launched
caregivers supported
local communities served
Our Partners
Massage. Recover. Restore.
In the Community

How to get involved?

— Donate / Give

Your generosity helps provide valuable resources for our programs including:

— Food and Refreshments for
— Pay for staff members
— Wellness gifts
— Wellness products

— Volunteer

Your time makes a difference. We are operating from love and compassion during the program’s formative stages, and we can use all the help we can get. Specifically with things tasks like:

– Set Up & Break Down
– Distribution of food and beverage
– Program orientation for participants
– Coordination of wellness stations
– Coordinate of wellness vendors

— Advocate

Spread the word!

Let your family know the great work we are doing to support our community here at Tocar.